A markup based CMS

A CMS that makes it easy for developers to build static websites and to add custom functionality.

HTML code brackets

User experience

Built for efficiency with a focus on user experience (UX). Prioritizing straightforward navigation, ensuring content management without endless scrolling.

Code editor

Flexibility extends to direct HTML code input within the integrated CodeMirror code editor.


Create menus and choose the ordering and position. Menus will load automatically on every page.


Create a widget once and then reuse it across multiple pages. Make it applicable and use the following code snippet: @widget[id];

Media library

Organize, upload, and access images, videos, and documents.


The authentication process is secure and offers the added flexibility of customizing the login URL.


User permissions are integrated to differentiate between various roles. For instance, admin users are exclusively granted full CRUD functionality.

Form validation

Validation rules provide an additional layer of security and guidance for accurate input. Clear success or failure messages will be displayed after each action.

Pagination & search methods

The pagination and search functionalities significantly enhance efficiency.

About the framework

MarkUpCMS is built on the IndependentPHP framework, allowing the implementation of custom features on pages created outside of MarkUpCMS by creating controllers and views. Custom pages outside MarkUpCMS are still part of the website and can have the same layout and styling.

  • What is the IndependentPHP framework?

    A micro dependency free PHP framework, to built web apps without relying on external PHP dependencies.

  • What are the pros of not relying on external PHP dependencies?

    By minimizing reliance on external packages, there's a reduced risk of encountering issues with deprecated packages and can improve performance.

  • What are some notable features of the IndependentPHP framework?

    The framework includes routing, follows the MVC design pattern, view templating, includes validation, CSRF protection, middlewares and a query builder for database interaction.

Database image

The dashboard offers a clear overview

An overview of meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords across pages, alongside the page content itself. Additionally, it provides insights into the number of pages that have been temporarily deleted.


User interface

Here are some screenshots of the the user interface.

Built in security features

In addition to form validation, the CMS includes several other security features.

  • Encrypted stored passwords
  • Protection against SQL injection
  • Customizable login URL
  • Defense against brute force attacks
  • Prevention of cross site request forgery
  • Prevention of cross site scripting
  • Session hijacking protection
  • Implementation of strict transport security
  • Data sanitazion of super globals
Image of a shield